Prostate Health
Prostate problems can be a major cause of ill-health and impaired quality of life in middle-aged and older men. The Centre for Men’s Health Prostate Health Programme aims not only to provide a complete prostate screening and risk assessment service, but also to introduce a range of measures that may help prevent further benign enlargement or malignant changes in the gland.
What is the prostate?
The prostate is a gland that sits between the bladder and the penis. The urethra, carrying urine from the bladder to the penis runs through the middle of it. The prostate secretes a fluid which plays an important role in reproduction. It forms part of the semen and nourishes and protects the sperm after ejaculation.
Prostate health conditions
The main health conditions that can affect the prostate fall into three categories:
- Prostate inflammation (prostatitis)
- Prostate enlargement (benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH)
- Prostate cancer
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How are prostate conditions diagnosed and treated at the Centre?
A detailed urological assessment and laboratory tests are carried out for the early detection of prostatic disorders, including PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) testing. The consultation with an experienced urologist specialising in this area includes a physical examination and assessment of the prostate. Advice is then given as to the cause of symptoms being experienced, recommended further investigations (such as a urine flow test or prostate ultrasound), if any, and treatment options where necessary.
At the Centre for Men’s Health, the emphasis is placed on the prevention of prostate problems through diet and lifestyle. We are able to offer a full range of treatments, up to and including surgery for prostate cancer, either within the clinic itself or by referral to a local expert urological surgeon as required. Prostate specific treatment may be offered alongside testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), where appropriate. Where the prostate is healthy, TRT can not only help treat testosterone deficiency but can also be beneficial for the prostrate. The latest research shows that TRT does not cause either benign or malignant enlargement of the prostate, but improves lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).