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Our Specialists

Professor Andrew Krentz

Professor Andrew Krentz


Andrew is a clinical researcher and academic physician with extensive experience in both the UK and the USA.

His main clinical interests are:
• Endocrinology – thyroid; pituitary; male hypogonadism; female hyperandrogenism;
• Diabetes – type 2 diabetes; diabetes in older people; inpatient diabetes;
• Cardiometabolic medicine – hypertension; dyslipidaemia; obesity; pre-diabetes;
• Healthy longevity – frailty; cognitive impairment.

He trained in diabetes and human metabolism at the University of Birmingham, UK, and in the Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, USA.

Andrew is currently Visiting Professor at the Institute of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Research, University of Reading, UK, and at King’s College London.

His previous positions include: Consultant Physician in Diabetes & Endocrinology, Southampton University Hospitals (1995-2009); Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Southampton, UK (1997-2009); British Heart Foundation International Research Fellow, University of California San Diego, USA (2004-5).

Andrew has authored numerous scientific publications along with a series of well-received textbooks; these include Type 2 Diabetes in Practice (2001); The Metabolic Syndrome & Cardiovascular Disease (2007); Cardiovascular Endocrinology & Metabolism: Theory & Practice of Cardiometabolic Medicine (2021, In press).

He is an internationally accredited expert in cardiometabolic medicine, which brings together endocrinology and cardiology and highlights the links between type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Andrew is also active on the editorial boards of several international medical journals and is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Cardiovascular Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Andrew has been awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists on the strength of his science publications in the field of chemical pathology (also known as clinical biochemistry)


King's College London https://www.kcl.ac.uk/people/andrew-krentz

Cardiovascular Endocrinology & Metabolism https://journals.lww.com/cardiovascularendocrinology/pages/default.aspx

Dr Anand Patel

Dr Anand Patel


Dr Anand Patel qualified in 2000 at King’s College, London. Alongside his men's health specialist work at the Centre for Men's Health he is a GP Partner at a practice in South London. He worked as a medic in HIV and then respiratory medicine, gaining his Membership of the Royal College of Physicians in 2004, and further accreditations in Medical Education, Family Planning and his Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners in 2007. Anand was one of the first doctors in the UK to gain Fellowship of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine in 2012, one of the very few internationally recognised qualifications in sexual function.

Anand speaks nationally with the British Society of Sexual Medicine and is secretary to the Primary Care Testosterone Advisory Group. He has filmed a series of web seminars educating other health care professionals for the British Medical Journal on male and female sexual function, trains junior doctors, and writes for NetDoctor on Men’s Health.

Anand has a holistic approach to patient care, looking at your physical and psychological health, relationships and social environment which can directly impact on your health and sexual life to develop with you a broad-ranging management plan.


Doctify https://www.doctify.com/uk/specialist/dr_anand_patel
British Society of Sexual Medicine https://www.bssm.org.uk/
Primary Care Testosterone Advisory Group https://www.pctag.uk/

Dr Clive Morrison

Dr Clive Morrison


Dr Clive Morrison qualified at Liverpool University and after completing GP vocational training he commenced work in genitourinary medicine, HIV prevention and research studies of sexual health and users of performance enhancing anabolic steroids. From 2001 to 2016 he worked as a GP in north Wales, where he was the diabetes lead for a practice which has one the largest diabetes register list sizes in Wales.

The practice's diabetes services have been commended by QIC, have been finalists for the NHS Wales awards for research and General Practice Awards for sexual health and diabetes teams of the year.

He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Practical Diabetes, north Wales local health board's Diabetes Planning and Delivery Group and has served on the Diabetes UK annual professional conference organising committee.

He has presented research on diabetes care at national and international conferences and completed an MSc in medical science in 2010 with a thesis on diabetes management. Over 40% of men with diabetes are affected by testosterone deficiency and ED problems and for research in this field he has won a Diabetes UK primary care poster award.


Practical Diabetes https://wchh.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pdi.1964

Ed Rainbow

Ed Rainbow

Dr Ed Rainbow

BMBS (Nottingham) MRCGP MSc BSLM Diplomate

Dr Rainbow qualified in 2010 at Nottingham University and is an experienced GP, with interests including mental health and medical education. He specializes in men’s health, taking a holistic approach to help his patients understand and improve their wellbeing.

He is also an expert in lifestyle medicine: evidence-based, clinical care that supports behavioural change through person-centered techniques to improve mental wellbeing, social connection, healthy eating, physical activity, sleep and minimisation of harmful substances and behaviours.

Ed believes testosterone deficiency is an important and under-recognised issue, which when tackled effectively can help men to get themselves back to their normal selves.


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Professor Malcolm Carruthers

Professor Malcolm Carruthers


1938-2022 †

The founder of the Centre for Men’s Health, Professor Malcolm Carruthers, who sadly passed away in December 2022, was a highly respected men’s health specialist and world authority on Testosterone Deficiency. Dr Carruthers was adjunct professor at the Alzheimer’s and Aging Department, Edith Cowan Unversity, Western Australia. Following his retirement from our clinical team in December 2017, Professor Carruthers continued to provide the Centre with briefing on the latest research in the field of men’s health.

As well as being a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, he was a life member of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). He was also President of the Society for the Study of Androgen Deficiency (Andropause Society), a member of the British Cardiovascular Society, the European Academy of Andrology, the International and European Societies for the Study of the Aging Male and a past President of the Society for Psychosomatic Research.

Alongside over 100 refereed papers in medical journals and editorials in the American Heart Journal and the Lancet he was the author of;
- ‘The Testosterone Revolution’ (published 2001),
- 'Testosterone Resistance' (2016), - ADAM: Androgen Deficiency in the Adult Male – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment (2nd edition, 2016) and
- ‘The 50 + Plan – His and Hers Hormones’ (2018).

While Professor Carruthers is no longer with us, his legacy lives on in the form of his pioneering research in the field and the continuing work of the Centre for Men's Health assisting men in finding help and treatment for testosterone deficiency syndrome and related conditions.